Lt. Col. Harold Reich

Lt. Col. Harold Reich, known fondly as “Soupy,” said that Brackenridge Park was his home away from home, particularly in the summers. He lived on Queen Anne Court across Broadway. Not only did he swim at Lambert Beach, but he also worked in the concession stand at Lambert Beach. Col Reich was very entrepreneurial, helping people whose cars were stranded in the low water crossing. His mother gave him rags to wipe off the spark plugs that were wet.  Often the thankful driver would give him a nickel, and on a good day 25 cents.

In the 1920s, he saddled donkeys for Mr. Ernest Young, nicknamed “Peg” for his wooden leg, who gave the children rides on the donkeys donated by the Rotary Club. He loves the park and visits as often as he can.

Lt. Col. Harold Reich