Park Advocates to Take on ‘Renewing and Repositioning’ Brackenridge Park

Jan 29 2017 - Written By: Iris Dimmick
Photo By: Scott Ball / Rivard Report

At 1,500 acres, The Presidio of San Francisco is one of the largest and arguably one of the most unique urban national parks in the country.

“[Brackenridge Park] is a cultural park of the same complexity and layers of history that would rival The Presidio,” The Cultural Landscape Foundation (TCLF) President and CEO Charles Birnbaum told the Rivard Report during a phone interview Thursday.

At 343 acres, Brackenridge is San Antonio’s largest urban park and has incredible natural, archaeological, and architectural treasures that date back 11,000 years, Birnbaum said. “It’s entirely possible that this [park] is a sleeping giant.”

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